Humanity First is a non-political, non-religious and impartial international relief and development agency that focuses on protecting human life and dignity.  Humanity first provides aid on the basis of necessity alone, irrespective of caste, creed, color or religion.
Our mission is to serve socially disadvantaged individuals and families in the poorer communities and disaster struck areas of the world.

We aim to offer sustainable development solutions to society whilst providing and empowering local communities the resources to help themselves. We promote peace and understanding based on mutual respect and acceptance. Through advocacy, emergency responses and efficient programming, HF prioritizes the health and safety of those most vulnerable.

Established in 1995, Humanity First (‘HF’) was registered with the UK Charities Commission and has expanded its operations in 62 countries, across 6 continents.  As a relief organization, HF aims to help millions of people in need in alleviating poverty, improving standards of living, refining health resources and promoting quality education to vulnerable communities. Humanity First International became the ultimate parent company, its offices are based in London and it is governed by a board of trustees. HF is funded by voluntary contributions of individuals and private sponsors. Majority of the aid workers and management are unpaid volunteers who recognize the significance and value in helping those less fortunate.

Humanity First has consultative status with United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC).  HF also works in partnership with many international, regional and local relief organizations.

Our History 

Humanity First began to operate in the early 1990 and was formally established under a trust deed as a registered charity with the UK Charities Commission, in November1995. Now registered in 62 countries, across 6 continents, HF provides aid and resources to millions of people in need. Our initial mission was to focus on disaster response programs across Europe, but soon morphed in alleviating poverty, improving standards of living, refining health resources and services and promoting quality education to vulnerable communities.

In 2019, a separate new entity Humanity First UK was setup to focus on development projects in locally and developing countries under the guidance of Humanity First International both incorporated as limited companies by guarantee with the UK Charity Commission.

About Humanity First Cambodia 

Under construction!

Our Mission 

Humanity First undertakes focused and results-oriented development programs that promote and seek to build stronger communities in which individuals are engaged and in-tuned in helping those in need through responsible, caring and skilled volunteers. The organization’s mission has following four themes to serve ordinary Canadians and humanity in-general:

Our Values

1. Impartial: We provide aid and assistance to those in need irrespective of race, religion or politics.

2. Efficient: We achieve a massive return on donations by exploiting a pool of expert volunteers and global sourcing resulting in the majority of funds going directly to field projects.

3. Collaborative: We work with local authorities and other NGOs in a spirit of partnership to achieve the best outcomes.

 4. Global and Local: We combine global expertise and resources with local knowledge of needs and culture to maximize the impact of our work.